

Waiting here at River-something salon as my girlfriend is getting her hair done. Today we are going for some red and dark blonde lowlights to mix in with her default Swedish blonde locks. This is the second time I’ve been here with the first being in mid June. I get my locks chopped at a […]


always sunny

The caramel machiotto from Carribou is not the same as the one from Starbucks. Wow. I’m still coming down from that caffeine high. Dude. Micro brew was what it was. My heart is still pounding and it’s been eight hours. I can see into tomorrow, man. Lordy. My car is out of alignment, the tires […]


blogging on the iPhone

I’m posting this from my iPhone while watching top chef at the girlfriend’s house. We’re supposed to meet up with Team Chaos at the Park Pub bowling alley. The bar opened at 8 but cosmic bowl doesn’t start until 10. I have no idea what that means… But I will. Okay this will be short […]


minnesota state fair 2007

I’ve decided that I shouldn’t promise to do anything because it makes me not want to do whatever it was that was promised. Recent example? I fully intended to post all my Minnesota State Fair photos online after I returned to the confines of The Shields Lair. This did not occur, however. Given that time […]



My two-year SprintPCS contract ends on July 20, 2008. That’s, like, so far away. I’ve been working from home today and I’m flipping out about how busy I am. As I’m in such a crazed state trying to keep up, I’m actually thinking that paying a $150 penalty to SprintPCS for breaking my contract is […]


you never post anymore!

I’ve fallen off the frequent blogger wagon. This is true. I’m super busy with my work (sometimes working up to 16 hours a day for the last week) and then still try to find some time with my girlfriend when I’m not asleep or driving to or fro. I’ve figured that I could blog more […]


38 evolver

Today I’m another year older and another year wiser, but am I wiser because I inadvertently picked up knowledge along the way? I’m thinking: Yes. While it is true that I read about trivial things such as why PHP 5 is so much better than PHP 4, but the normal reader of my blog won’t […]


snap to it

Snap Fitness is moving into the building next door to me. My girlfriend gave me a card yesterday that said we were hamsters. I need to get a trainer from Snap before I really turn into one. I’m more of a lean jack rabbit myself.