
interesting puzzle

Look very closely… can you see what’s wrong with this picture? It may take you 30 seconds or more to spot something really weird. Take your time and look at the details.



A caption I wrote got accepted on StarWars.com. I’m the last one on the list of captions. Yay. Chew Chew tries to cheer up after hearing the news that Mark’s relationships haven’t been working out. ”But I thought you said you were going to hook me up with a girl who has a dog!” lamented […]



Let me catch you up with the past 72 hours. I stepped off the plane on Friday night in Houston. I have to walk by the George Bush Sr. bronze statue to get to baggage claim. I like the statue. It makes him seem like a superhero. So, I’m walking out with several other people […]


body slam

My revised body damage from skiing on the slopes of Blue Mountain yesterday includes: very slight facial sunburn (no more ghost-white goth look) right thumb has a large cut and blood blister (no more hitchhiking) right calf muscle feels overextended (no more left turns) right ankle is crickety but pain-free (no more silence; my foot […]


stood up

I tried to fly in this girl I know in Houston. We were going to go on the ski trip tomorrow. Got a plane ticket off PriceLine.com and everything. Got stood up. Stinks. I went to Target to shop and vent my frustration. Of course, if I was really really really mad, I would have […]


batman returns

Last night I seriously considered just blowing past the ski trip and going to work instead. I decided I’d still set the alarm clocks to go off at 4 AM. I’d decide then. When I woke up I thought, ”what the hell?” and got ready. I used Yahoo Maps to find my way to the […]


2 A.M.

Tried to fall asleep. Kept dreaming that I was searching for a photo album or something. Sketchy memory failing me. Since I’m awake anyway, I updated my Yahoo Personal for the third time. I decided to go all out, no holds barred. Yes, that’s right. I posted a picture of myself without a shirt on. […]


in some knee, yeah?

It’s 4:30 AM and I can’t sleep. Went to the Sixers game last night and saw them totally kick the other team’s ass. Iverson was great, of course. There was plenty of food and drink. Too much, even. That’s not why I’m awake. Other than having plastic plates thrown at me while I was surfing […]


which blade?

Watching ”Witch Blade” on the WB. Bad acting. Very TV-ish. Seems like the smoke machine they’ve been overusing is supposed to make a regular city street look gritty and menacing. I’ve said in the past that I want a smoke machine for my house. I’d keep that sucker going 24/7. If you were to come […]


call me because i’m cute

My latest purchase from the evil masterminds at Amazon.com: Under Rug Swept Alanis Morissette; Audio CD; @ $12.99 each Not yet released My ex-girlfriend Laura was waiting in line for the bathroom in Los Angeles at the premiere of ”The Perfect Storm.” I was standing outside when Alanis walked past me and into the bathroom. […]