
rebuilding my workspace

Using an app called IBM Websphere Application Server Developer. Complicated. Called IBM WSAD for short. Took a couple weeks to get swing of it. Swing is a graphic class of Java. Not talking about Swing. Learned JavaScript before Java. Feeling deja-vu. Did I already mention this? JavaScript got me around Object-oriented learning curve. Bought a […]


wakey wakey

Good morning. I’m playing tag with my new domain hosters today. PROHOSTERS.com. They are amazing. They have an IRC server set up and just sit there live waiting for anyone to come in with a problem. They also have a great ticketing system that I can use. I need to pass these ideas along to […]


about damn time

After several months of prolific wanting to do something about my blog, I’ve finally taken the plunge and installed MovableType.org blog software. You can thank Mr. Wil Wheaton for this. Yeah, that’s right. Wesley Crusher. Also known as That Kid Who Got The Leach On His Pee Pee In That Stand By Me Movie. Yikes! […]


thirty three

Riiight. Had to cut short my birthday weekend in Houston before my mom came back. Left Chew Chew in Philly under the care of a neighbor but things didn’t work out. Chew Chew was left alone with aforementioned neighbor’s dog for 8 hours, unsupervised. As soon as the coast was clear there was chasing and […]


you like the pauses, eh?

Okay, I’m way behind. Later today I will update you on the following events that I haven’t shared yet: The David Lee Roth Concert vs. Sammy Hagar Concert, I Saw Prince!, Jersey Girl filming in Philly, Poison Ivy: The Aftermath, Mark’s Philly Apartment Tour, How To Go About Recommending A Scandalous Book For A Monthly […]


racing heart

Okay, so here’s how it went down. After the 6th doctor’s office told me they couldn’t get me an appointment until August, I decided to locate an Urgent Care Facility. Guess what? None are located within 50 miles. So I then decided I’d hop my ass on my skateboard and head to the Thomas Jefferson […]


doctor, doctor

It’s 7 AM Monday morning and I’ve been playing phone tag with a bunch of doctors office phone numbers. Nobody is in at 7 AM. Most of them provide an emergency contact phone number but recommend that you wait for normal business hours. What I love is when they don’t tell you what those hours […]


dreaming of cortisone

My arm now officially aches. I’m seeing something cloudy in some of the blisters today so right now I’m thinking things are going south on me. Gotta call up those Cigna bastards and squeeze them for info about getting a doctor here in Philly. Oh, have I mentioned that Cigna has been *stupid* enough to […]


2 AM and pulsing

I managed to pick up some freakin’ poison ivy over the weekend. Every summer I get a little too close to something in my yard and I get some degree of poison ivy. Well, this year I practically humped up and down all over the bushes around my mailbox while I was vainly hedging and […]


sight unseen

I have no idea why I feel this way, but I’m just going to come out with it. I have been a fan of ”The Osbournes” since the show started. What I don’t get is why eldest daughter Aimee has been avoiding the spotlight. It’s like she’s ashamed of her family. What else is everyone […]