I managed to pick up some freakin’ poison ivy over the weekend.
Every summer I get a little
too close to something in my yard and I get some degree of poison ivy. Well, this year I practically
humped up and down all over the bushes around my mailbox while I was vainly hedging and weedeating.
I don’t know how long it has been growing there, but apparently this has been the
mysterious source that has been plaguing me for the last 4 years.
What I got in return for my lawn manicuring endeavor was a left arm covered in poison ivy
as well as some exposure on my right arm, my face, my
lips, and a bit on my chest. There is one other rather horrifying affected location, but I’ll
just leave that up to your imagination. I am sure it will make for a terrifying story that I can
tell my future children lest they ever go into the woods and find themselves faced with the enemy
that is poison ivy. In two weeks I am sure I will be fine again, but in the meantime I am loading up on
Calamine and benadryll, the latter which puts me into an instant coma if I take two of them.
My reaction to the benadryll is almost like attending the interdisciplinary classes I was forced to
endure back in college, only a hell of a lot cheaper.

Two photographic examples of my enemy poison ivy. You bettah recognize!

Back when I was friends with Poison Ivy. Little did I know.

The entire cast of DragonBallZ. Presented now for no reason whatsover.

This fireball represents how my left arm feels right now. Enjoy the looping effect.