07-Oct-2002 Uncategorized

rebuilding my workspace

Using an app called IBM Websphere Application Server Developer. Complicated. Called IBM WSAD for short. Took a couple weeks to get swing of it. Swing is a graphic class of Java. Not talking about Swing. Learned JavaScript before Java. Feeling deja-vu. Did I already mention this? JavaScript got me around Object-oriented learning curve. Bought a Java book last week. Can’t find it today. Stupid Java book thieves. Got perfectly good rock CDs and DeLorean shaped mouse for them to steal. Do they steal those? No. Considering using a java pamphlet as bait and using webcam to nab the bandit.

Spent weekend in apartment. Realized loud noise outside window never stops. Went outside to investigate. Sounds like someone runs a broken generator on their roof. Freakin’ loud! Like, 100 decibals. Wondering if I should move my bed away from window. Tried to blast Rammstein with window opened to drown out generator. Failed. Shopping for those headphones those airport guys wear when they park the jet with their little handheld cones. Also considering earplugs. Dog doesn’t seem to care about noise. Giant floppy ears suddenly seem like good idea.

Don’t know if I get to go to next premiere for Wahlberg. Waiting for ticket allocation. Curious how far down the totem pole I am in Mark’s entourage. Betting someone must be lower. The limo driver, maybe? Wonder if Mark ever shops at Target. Not sure why I’m wondering this. Going back to rebuilding my Websphere environment. Bleah.