
new years party 2005

Click here to see an Evite Video I made for my New Year’s party that I’m having here in Philadelphia. If I haven’t invited you then consider yourself invited. Just drop me an email and you’re in. Let me now put on my media guy hat and highly recommend Google AdSense. So much fun and […]


voices from the past

Listen to an MP3 of my sister and I when we were in the 4th and 6th grades respectively. This was for an English-K class and the assignment was to cover a short story of some sort. I’m not sure how we settled on doing The Helen Keller Story. It’s super super cheesy so feel […]


article about lasik

The AP newswire has an awesome article about LASIK now that it’s been available for 10 years. The guy they interviewed for the article had the same procedure that I did. I never lost a pair of glasses, however, so that part is all him.


9 month update

Now that winter has set in the moisture in the air is nearly gone and my vision has had a slight change as a result. I was aware that getting LASIK during the winter is the best time to do it because your vision is slightly poorer during the cold dry months of the year […]


Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper

This past Sunday night, I trekked out to Wilkes-Barre, PA with my friend Emily to see Cyndi Lauper in concert. Upon recounting the night’s activities, I found it funny that people asked me if I was sitting in the front row. Of course I was! It’s Cyndi freakin’ Lauper. There are only a handful of […]


nothing’s impossible

I’m digging on this track from Depeche Mode’s latest album that I picked up off iTunes last month. I’m posting the lyrics below. Don’t try to read anything into them — I just think the song is awesome. Having my iPod back is wonderful, although I’ve been informed that I really need to re-import all […]


video ipod replaced & all is well

On Sunday, I took the 25 bus to IKEA and returned a pillowcase I’d bought the day before. It was far too rectangular for my taste. I then walked to Best Buy where they had plenty of white 60 GB Video iPods on hand to exchange for my busted ass iPod. The cool thing about […]


problems with my 60gb video ipod

Everything was going fine tonight while I was learning how to convert videos and put them on my Video iPod… until… it started crashing. I’d sync’ed with iTunes a few times during the evening while I was moving new videos on there until about half an hour ago when the iPod started clicking and flashing […]


happy thanksgiving 2k5

Busy day. Ran three miles at the gym before they closed at noon so I could counteract the effects of the horn of giving. Tonight I’m hanging out with Heatherito and her family. My dad is in Houston at my Aunt Carol’s place with my cousins on his side. My mom, sister and nieces are […]