Busy day. Ran three miles at the gym before they closed at noon so I could counteract the effects of the horn of giving. Tonight I’m hanging out with Heatherito and her family. My dad is in Houston at my Aunt Carol’s place with my cousins on his side. My mom, sister and nieces are in Los Angeles with my Uncle and cousins on her side. It’s actually a little weird as this is the first time I’ve ever spent Thanksgiving elsewhere. I’m typing this entry from my basement while I’m waiting on my clothes to put in the dryer. I think I can hear Chew Chew making a complaining noise upstairs as he knows it’s dinner time. I’ll post a more respectable update soon as this is the first day in two weeks that I haven’t been immersed in java programming and PL/SQL daydreams. So, to close — remember, no matter who you are, the Super Genius like to wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving! And now, my 4th Grade Elementary School photo which I’m posting because my trainer Justin says I need more pictures.