Category: Uncategorized


i’m sick… ah-choo

Again with the sickness. This time is it a fully qualified virus giving me trouble. It hasn’t completely overtaken me, however. I feel congested and stuffy, but not much else. Coughing isn’t fun. I love my box of Kleenex. I am tempted to work from home, but I’ve got to make appearances if I expect […]


come posso sposare questa donna?

I have two CDs that have bad skips in them. Maroon by the Bare Naked Ladies and the latest Gary Numan CD (it’s name is so new it escapes me). I hate that I spent money on these fragile things and they are screwed now. How do you undo a scratch? It makes me like […]


let them know it’s christmas time

I was on Napster last night and looking for good tunes. I am only serving up 150 files but I have a weird selection including the Superman II soundtrack along with a lot of Guster. My Napster handle is supergenius! (with the exclaimation point) if you’d like to take a look at my stuff. I […]


where was i?

Upon hearing the news that Mark Shields was going over the prospects of marriage, Drew Barrymore immediately dropped out of her pending marriage to MTV comedian Tom Green, bought a tight pair of leather pants and a plane ticket to Houston. "I can’t believe she’s gone! I mean, yeah, he’s great and all, but what […]


fa fa / goodbye 20th century

Need to get ready for a surprise party for my pal Nate. He has joined the aforementioned Big Computer Company, or rather he will at the end of January. It is his birthday tonight. I have 60 minutes to get ready and drive to Sugarland to find the place. No problem. Maybe. I have spent […]


i dreamt that i was vapor

Woke up at 6:50 AM this morning. How? Not because of my two alarm clocks. I used the Task Scheduler on my computer to start playing MP3s at 6:30. I started off with the acoustic piano verison of Gary Numan’s Down In The Park. That version of the song is my current favorite. At 6:40 […]



Went to Wal-Mart. Need light bulbs. Picked up one 4-pack of bulbs. Looked at price. 96 cents. Grabbed seven more packs. Not sure why I only buy them four at a time. Toy department was obliterated. Bought two more spray cans of metallic black paint. Bought lots of dog food. This time the cashier did […]


oops, i did it again

Presents wrapped. Goofing off almost complete. I am freaking out a bit from a mistake I made a few hours ago while connected to my machine at the office. I copied the files down that I needed. The phone rang. I answered. Talking ensued. Half an hour later I went back to my desk. I […]



Writing this on my wireless email device while sitting in a line to see Castaway. First in line. Been here for 30 minutes and still have 60 to go. Back hurts. Legs going numb. But I am still first, nyah nyah. Was driving car to gas station and decided to just continue on to the […]


sick II

Terrible week. Ate nice juicy hamburger at Beck’s Prime on Monday night. Woke up feeling funky on Tuesday morning. Tried to get ready but felt a raging fever coming on. Wasn’t hungry. Stomach felt… full. Strange. Showered. Shaved. Attempted to find clean clothes. Then the pain began. Severe. Wrenching. Aching. Wanted to die. Laid down […]