22-Dec-2000 Uncategorized

sick II

Terrible week. Ate nice juicy hamburger at Beck’s Prime on Monday night. Woke up feeling funky on Tuesday morning. Tried to get ready but felt a raging fever
coming on. Wasn’t hungry. Stomach felt… full. Strange. Showered. Shaved. Attempted to find clean clothes. Then the pain began. Severe. Wrenching.
Aching. Wanted to die. Laid down on bed with full on fever. Sent email to my boss to say I was probably going to be dead shortly. Woke up in sweat and still
feeling terrible. About 5 P.M. I couldn’t take it any longer and drank a giant heaping glass of water. Went to bathroom. Waited. Waited more. Tapped foot.
Looked at watch. Thought about Michael Jackson’s face. Threw up. Ralphed. Yakked. Chucked. It was wonderful! Still felt weird. Tried to sleep again
but couldn’t. Stomach felt like it was harboring my missing cell phone. Wednesday came and went. Managed to get to work late in the day. Feeling nauseous
and dizzy from minute to minute. Decided to buy a desktop computer once and for all to replace my crappy Presario from 1993. Nice computer. Pretty. It is
warm against my face.
Thursday came and I made it to work again, albeit late. My track record for arriving by 9 A.M. is shot. Made it through
several Microsoft Visio diagrams. Wrote up some UML. Thought about Michael Jackson again. Nothing. Began to get my appetite back. Ate a fairly decent meal
on Thursday night. Friday morning came and I was back to square one. Went straight to big glass of water and thought about Michael Jackson again. Me: 0.
Toilet 2. And I thought the pizza from weeks ago was bad enough. That was like a vacation in Lubbock compared to this.

Got letter in company email saying we can’t surf porn anymore. When the company started I recall the founder surfing porn. Employee #1 was surfing porn.
Hell, they introduced me to AnaCam. New day and age now that we are corporate.
Old mentality must be shaken off. The graphic artists were especially vexed that they were being watched. Made promise to self that I would keep my porn
at home (on my nice new desktop machine). Porn is such an ugly word. Trying to think of more positive replacement. In the running thus far:
happypix, woohoo images, reproductive artistry, anatomy & physiology: the later years, prictures, and one of my favorites: eye-poison.

Added new scans of Oktober now that I have a decent machine that my scanner likes.