21-Oct-2004 Uncategorized

where have i been

I’ve got a giant honkin’ update to post. Topics to be covered include: Corvette electrical systems vs. State Safety Inspectors, I Heart Huckabees vs. Super-Size Me, the October Quarterly Meeting vs. the Tron Costume guy, What I get for leaving the DeLorean at the Hyatt Regency underground convention room for two days (vs. not leaving it there), working out at home vs. working out ‘away from home’, Breakstone cottage cheese vs. Borden & Kroger brand cottage cheese, pedestrians vs. Houston traffic lights, Spider-Man vs. Peter Parker, the We’re About To Go To The World Series Astros bandwagon vs. the normal Astros bandwagon, the Houston blender vs. the Philly blender, lawn guy vs. maid girl, neighbor vs. neighbor, and early voting vs. election day. I’m sure there’s more.