I was feeling bored tonight and thought I’d check on my site stats. I was surprised to find myself linked by some chump who had this to say:
In other news today, if you do a google search for "Miserable Failure," guess what the top result is? A link to George W Bush’s biography. Make no mistake about it; it is the official, politically corrected White House biography. It is also interesting to note almost all the other websites that show up also refer to George Bush as a miserable failure. So in the same vein, I did a google search for "super genius." This is what I end up with. A website for some random hick who has a webpage. A website kinda like mine, but it with whacked out matrix-style graphics. In conclusion, google searches sometime yield correct results (see "Miserable Failure") or they can spew out garbage (see "Super Genius").
First of all, this dude lives in Portland. Should I stop right there? That says it all. Portland? If I lived there, I’d be all, ”Please shoot me in the head as soon as possible, I live in Portland!” This kid has nothing better to do than find a hundred different ways to say Bush Sucks. Yawn. While the opportunity to express his sentiment in a logical manner is possible, everything he says is trite and pointless and would do little to sway anyone on the fence about Bush. He ends up sounding like a little whiney ass. Is that supposed to impress someone? If you read his site you’ll see it’s 95% ”crybaby political banter” and 5% ”I have nothing worthwhile to say — perhaps I’ll call one of my teachers a name.” Get out and vote, kid. Your lame ass site isn’t going to make a dent — especially considering it’s mostly copy and pasted text stolen from political joke sites and news articles. His seemingly witty entry about ”miserable failure” coming up in Google? Not his own. He posted about it on 12/8/2003. Read an article about this exact subject that was published on 12/8/2003. There are more points to make about this plagiarist moron, but I’d rather not waste my time on a third-rate chump who has done nothing more than proven he knows how to steal other people’s ideas.
By the way, this is not my endorsement of Bush by a longshot. I’m a rigid independent and I’ll vote for the person I think is best for the job. Not because I read some lame high schooler’s website and was impressed by his ripoff blog.
The ”random hick” Super Genius has spoken.