06-Oct-2002 Uncategorized

wakey wakey

Good morning. I’m playing tag with my new domain hosters today. PROHOSTERS.com. They are amazing. They have an IRC server set up and just sit there live waiting for anyone to come in with a problem. They also have a great ticketing system that I can use. I need to pass these ideas along to my old team at The Large Computer Company I used to work for. They are working 24/5 these days. I’m not sure what has changed for them in the last two years. Hard to believe it’s been that long. [checks hands for age spots].

I am a member of the OktoberNight book and wine club. So far I’ve read Youth In Revolt, The Lover and currently I’m starting Fast Food Nation. Revolt is basically the journals of Nick Twisp, 14 year old super genius with super libido to match. A lot in common, Nick and I have. Okay, except for the 14 year old part. I’m older. You know, like 22. Heh. The Lover is a stream of consciousness type novel about the emotional impressions that the past can make on everyone, especially when you look back on a relationship that deeply affected you. I should have brought that up at the meeting, but I was too busy being fascinated by my host’s immaculate apartment. That, and the table we were sitting around kept blocking my view of everyone. The third book which I am now reading at a feverish pace is about the hidden secrets of fast food. Where does it come from? Who kills all those animals that we eat? How did we wind up spending 6 billion a year on fast food in 1970, whereas in 2001 we spent 110 billion a year on it. Wow! Didn’t notice that, huh? I am lucky that downtown Philadelphia is covered with hundreds upon hundreds of independent businesses and restaurants. There is nary a Chili’s or Bennigan’s around. It’s nice. There are even *three* independent movie houses within a few blocks of each other. They are all called The Ritz, but their secondary name varies by geographic location. I saw ”Salton Sea” there a few months ago. Good movie. Go buy the DVD. You’ll be glad you did. Okay, right. Back to fast food. I’m told that I will soon be grossed out by the truth of it all. We’ll see. It takes a lot to gross me out. I think the last time I got grossed out was a few weeks ago when I was walking Chew Chew and he suddenly decided to shove his face and ears into a giant, cold pile of poop. At first I didn’t know what he was doing, nor that there was poop on the ground. When he came up for air… well, let’s just say he wasn’t rewarded with a scooby snack. Even 10 baths later I still don’t wanna smooch him on the nose just yet.

Just now while I was looking at Amazon I noticed that you can post a review for something and your review’s rank can be judged by how many people clicked YES in response to, ”Was this review helpful to you?” Maybe I should recommend that we book club members post a review on there, sort of to immortalize the monthly meeting. Speaking of which, I believe this month’s meeting is not scheduled on a weekend that I’m in Houston. I goofed up and didn’t request my flight itinerary 21 days in advance, so I’ve been here in Philly for two weeks straight so far. This is a first, believe it or not. It isn’t a big deal since I’ve got Chew here, but of course hanging out with friends and family in Houston is something I always look forward to. Bleah. I’ll stop right now before I get sentimental and start looking for beer.