The weekend in Houston was quick and dirty. I used frequent flier miles to book the trip last minute as I was rapidly approaching the end of my time with the rental car in Minneapolis. Emptying my house and driving my car back were my main goals.
On Thursday night, I arrived at 10 PM and had a couple beers with my dad at Baker Street Pub near Willowbrook Mall. The crowd wasn’t very interesting. Our waitress reminded me of my ex-girlfriend from last summer. Pfft. After adjourning from the bar, we stopped by his house where I borrowed THE PRESTIGE dvd and said hello to my aunt Sister Zepur. She’s in town for a month taking a break from, uh, nun’ing? Actually, she’s working in a convent in Lebanon. I was four years old the last time I was there. She informs me that things are about the same. I’ll take her word for it.
On Friday morning, I drove to Whataburger to buy a double-egg no-sausage breakfast on a bun ranchero sandwich and an orange juice on the side. I always try to hit up the Whataburger. Mmm! I was then off to work at The Consulting Company where I had scheduled my much feared Exit Interview at 10 AM. It turns out that the interview was more like a focus group with a group of one