Entry 8:11 PM 5.14.2003
Sitting in the Taste of New York diner enjoying two slices and a big ass
Diet Coke. So piping hot that I can’t hold the pizza. I am totally tossing
out my healthy regiment this evening, but I have been faithful in the last
two weeks in avoiding the food that put a dirt bike tire around my belly.
After 10 days I am noticing an improvement. A few more days and I will
be down to touring bike tire size. The Regal Cinema River View Theater is right outside. Fellow Geekoids and Matrifreaks are outside milling about. I’ll be joining them soon.
Entry 9:23 PM 5.14.2003
Now I’m standing in a line at the theater waiting to get in. I’m upstairs. This is the “good” theater. Auditorium #1. I was in the “sucky small” theater before. Auditorium #13. This bit of info came from the guy who cut my ticket in half after I finished scarfing down my pizza. My ensuing video
game experience at the theater was not so hot. The Star Wars Episode 2
pinball game was “good” but the shoot ’em up projection TV game that I can’t
remember the name of even though it stole 5 quarters from me dammit was
“sucky.” That description came from me… just so we’re clear. Okay?
This is the fourth or fifth movie I’ve had to watch by myself. I definitely
do not like solo theater experiences. Nobody to save your seat. Nobody to
kill time with. Nobody to share how much the movie was “good” or “sucky”
with after it’s all over. Including Matrix Reloaded I have also seen X-Men
2, Anger Management, and The Core — all Han Solo style. The upside to being
alone? Seating is a snap cuz excellent single seats are always everywhere.
Nobody to argue with in case you liked the movie and the other person
didn’t. After the movie is over you can take your sweet time in the
restroom getting your b to the uzzo, s to the shizzo, n to the ezo, s to the
seezo… in order. Okay. Blog sharing over. Next time I write the movie
will be over. Buhbye.
Entry 1:56 AM 5.15.2003