Check out this bizarre religious nut that seems to be getting no coverage by the media here. Is this out of fear that criticizing anything conservative will tork off all conservatives? The Ministry of Isaac purports to reveal the identity of the Anti-Christ as well as other useful information such as the exact timing of The Apocalypse and how much Liquid Tide you should use on that oversized load of laundry. A few of the links are broken (the registration link, for one). They seem to be fishing for weak minded Spanish speakers in the area as well. April 7th is a Thursday night. Doesn’t Isaac realize he’s directly interfering with getting my Survivor on? I want to hear about The End Of Times. That’s something the Johnny Smith’s mother was obsessed with in Stephen King’s classic book The Dead Zone. I need to finish that book. Anyway, this is nothing new here in the deep, deep southern bible-belt. I’m sure it’ll be a packed house. If you’re reading my blog entry and you’re offended by my suspension of belief, then I’ve got some stock options I’d like to sell you.