Forgot to mention this. The highlight of my first night after moving in happened at 3 AM. A couple was attempting to guide their seriously inebriated female friend down the sidewalk. The drunkard fell to the ground. There was some yelling from the male. He threw his hands up in the air and walked off. The female spent a few moments steadying her friend. After a few missteps, they were both walking down the street again. All of this right in front of my window (albeit three floors below). Niiice! And yesterday afternoon some guy screamed at the cars in front of him when they didn’t move fast enough after the green. Does the fun ever stop?
I didn’t make it to the movies. Had a headache and was still behind on sleep. Earlier on the way home I’d hit the Fresh Fields (a grocery store here) and bought food items as I had none. My dinner consisted of fake crabmeat sprayed with the concoction known as ”I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” and mini peeled carrots which I dipped in lumpfish caviar. Crackers are bad, mmm’kay? Two Tylenols (for the aforementioned headache) and a diet Cherry Coke topped it off. Gross, you say? Nuh uh! It’s a lifestyle change, not a diet. That’s my new mantra. My old mantra was that ”Big Mac, Filet of Fish, Quarter Pounder, French Fries” song.