Time is running out.
This is your last chance to preorder “American Life,” Madonna’s new Digital Single. They’re sending it out Monday morning, complete with a special voice message from Madonna to her fans. If you order the Digital Single now (it’s only $1.49!) you’ll hear the song before anybody else. And if you don’t order? You’ll sit around all day Monday, jingling your change and wondering what you’re missing. Nobody wants that.
Yes, that’s not really me in the last paragraph. That’s my marketing voice talking. Right now I am listening to Rammstein’s album ”Mutter.” It is very calming to have ”The Matrix” type music blasting directly into my ear canals given all the chaos of the NCAA Playoffs, the war in Iraq and the fact that it is 78 degrees in here. I have the volume turned all the way up to 10. I wish I could turn it up to 11.