I had a really tough workout last night on my back and chest. The Super Genius feels like he was hanging from a train trestle. I’d previous done some cardio on Tuesday and skipped out Wednesday. I’ve *got* to wear my ankle and knee braces if I plan to do any kind of running. The Great Falling and Spraining Both Ankles Incident of 2001 and The Great Working For The Houston Chronicle And Running All Over Jersey Village For Six Months Because The Economy Sucked In 1995 incident will never leave me. No, wait, what I said earlier about feeling like I was hanging from a bridge. Scratch that. I feel like someone tried to pull my arms off. Yeah! That’s more accurate. Just for the record, I bought some of this Metro-something or other protein drink and it tasted like ass. I’ll get the exact name of it to you this weekend.
Still no signs of life from The Real World apartment. I’m trying to put together some specs for the site I’m going to build around it (to compete with the crappy one I mention below — which also happens to link to me after stealing an image of mine (all of their site’s initial images were leeched off other sites and I’ve been going through the process of identifying the original owners of the images). Yeah, I know. I’m a pisser. Too bad. Don’t steal my sh*t. Heh. Anyway, not much to say about the subject. My inside source at the gym knows that the Real Worlders and staff were given free memberships there, so I’m sure I’ll be seeing something somewhere sometime.