27-Feb-1993 Uncategorized

san antonio trip day 2

Here’s a running summary of today’s activities. Day 1 was the ride up to San Antonio last night featuring a hotel check-in and dinner at Garcia’s Mexican Restaurant off the riverwalk.

  • Leaving the hotel and Betsy telling me that her grandparents can never EVER see this video. Oops.
  • Betsy discovers she’s wearing brown shoes and a black belt and must return to the hotel to remediate
  • Ugly ring shopping. Betsy: "Is this ring ugly?" Me: "Yes."
  • Lunchbox shopping until the shopkeeper yells at me for videotaping. Betsy was just about to reveal someone’s name etched inside a lunchbox.
  • Clandestinely filming in an antique store while mean shopkeeper lady is looking the other way
  • Mark rips off Betsy’s hand (see this)
  • Ordering grub at Wendy’s and sending back the chili. Betsy: "I can’t eat those onions."
  • Buying Elvis Presley stamps at the post office
  • Betsy’s first time ever through a revolving door. Wow!
  • Visiting The Alamo and the Alamo store (shortened because you can’t film inside the Alamo).
  • Riding a trolley with me making dumb observations.
  • Mark buys a Lotto ticket (I didn’t win).
  • Mark buys a piece of jalape