I got notification that my PaperlessPOBox account is now canceled, thankfully. I see that they got off their duff and fixed the machine that had the letters on it so people could actually view them. Here is the letter I sent them. I believe I wrote something on the back of the letter (which was not scanned). I also noticed that they only scanned one side of the post-it note and the fake scratch-off ticket I sent. So, in case you wanted to know what was on the back of anything, you’re pretty much screwed. The contrast on these scans leaves something to be desired as the images appear somewhat cloudy as a result. I wrote the letter in a weird way just to see if it caused any issues (not that I was expecting any). You’ll notice the letter was postmarked April 12th and I didn’t receive my notice that the new mail was available in an electronic form until the morning of April 19th. If you are overseas or physically unable to get your mail, I suppose this is still a good deal, but for 99% of everyone else it’s not worth the time and effort. The download this morning of the PDF was an excruciatingly slow 30K a second. Very obviously the result of limited DSL speeds. Nice. So, there you have it. I wanted to point out that I requested last month to have them start scanning in ALL mail I received, regardless of whether or not it was 3rd class or 1st class. The told me they couldn’t change my account for that, so, yet again, another mark against them (not including myself). Enjoy the sample goodness (or badness, depending upon your take on the whole thing).