11-Mar-2005 Uncategorized

query letters

I’m starting a little movie script pitching parody website called QueryLetters.net. A query letter is nothing more than a 1-page summary of a script or book that you are either in the process of writing or that you’ve completed. They’re like a pitch so that you can get someone to buy in on your idea. They are devoid of personal information about the author(s) so you won’t be hearing about how someone’s teacher says that they’re a bad ass writer that’s surely going to be the next Tarantino. Why am I doing this? So that I’ll know how to write a good query letter. The more bad ones you compose — on purpose — the easier it should be to avoid cliches and remanufactured ideas. This is kind of like the theory that you can stop someone from smoking by making them smoke, like, ten cigarettes at a time. Anyway, read it and laugh. That’s my main goal. It’s all about the laughter. Oh, and about the chicks, too. The laughter and the chicks, man. Yeah.

I saw the director’s cut of Donnie Darko over the last few evenings. Basically I’d stay up late on the computer, then I’d brush my teeth and get ready for bed… and then I’d put on the DVD. It’s a trippy little dark piece. I love those kind of films when they’re done well. The best part? Here:

Have you seen The Tape?