

My sleeping schedule has not yet returned to normal. I was asleep at around 9:30 PM last night. I awoke at 2:30 AM. I goofed around on the internet for 30 minutes. I heard some kind of shouting match outside. A car was in the middle of Race Street, and the passenger and a pedestrian […]


batman returns

I’ve been back for just over a day and I’m still working on sorting through the return to Eastern time and to all my programming duties. The return trip was just as pleasant as the trip there. Kudos to Czech Airlines. The free wine and Coca-Cola Light was appreciated. I brought home a slew of […]


day 7

Saw ”The Shape of Things” last night and then had a nice dinner at a place called The Louvre. Dead rabbit was on the menu. You know what they say in the Matrix: ”Follow the dead rabbit.” After eating the dead rabbit it was off to The Chateau for another round of people watching. The […]


day 6

I’m back at the Spika (pronounced “speaka”) internet Cafe in Prague. I am here solo while Katherine takes care of work related issues. She’s decided to stay here in Prague and that means that some of the relationships that were severed must be reattached. Job, telephone, etc. While I’ve been in a similar situation, as […]


day 5

I am constantly switching from Czech mode to English mode on this keyboard, so you’ll have to pardon the brevity of today’s entry. We were originally going to take a bus to Karlovy Vary this morning, but ended up oversleeping thanks to a faulty alarm clock. I slept quite soundly. Occasionally I’ll hear people up […]


day 4

Yesterday continued to Good Food tradition with a visit to the Indian place (i.e. Pakistani place that we call the Indian Place). I don’t think it is sitting especially well today, but I’m not afraid to suffer for good food. There was also some sort of rasberry pie and capaccino, along with the standard visit […]



Sitting at the Bohemian Bagel with Kath and Aemelia (interesting spelling, n’est pas?). They are watching me read my boring emails and delete my filthy spams. Then they watched me lounge around my bank account and lament that the sums did not meet my dreams. Okay, well, maybe not exactly that. Kath is working on […]



Katherine is standing one foot away from me, and I have been discouraged at playing around with the settings of Internet Explorer. ”You’re wasting time!” Well…. so I’m at a very sleek Internet Cafe typing away. Just got out of the movies. Saw ”Identity” — great film. See it. John Cussack is brilliant. I think […]



So I took my replacement ATM card and walked up to an ATM. I slid the card through. I entered my PIN. I waited. I waited some more. Denied. I tried again. Then again. Frustrated that I couldn’t activate the freakin’ card, I called up Bank of America. ”Ohhhhhh… we probably gave you a new […]



Disappointed to hear that my old team that I helped form back in 1997 is being dissolved. It stuck together after I moved on to other projects three years ago, so I guess that’s not too bad. Finding another super genius to replace you is not easily done. I am setting some high goals over […]