01-Aug-2003 Uncategorized

day 6

I’m back at the Spika (pronounced “speaka”) internet Cafe in Prague. I am here solo while Katherine takes care of work related issues. She’s decided to stay here in Prague and that means that some of the relationships that were severed must be reattached. Job, telephone, etc. While I’ve been in a similar situation, as far as my working in Philadelphia away from home, I’ve also had the advantage that I’m only a cheap roundtrip flight away from The Great State of Texas. From Prague it’s an expensive veryverylong flight. Aside from matters of cost, there’s a degree of comfort in working away from your home base. My company is establishing an office in New York City which is very exciting for me considering I’m only a 90 minute train ride away. Maybe I’ll get to do something there. I wish her good luck in her journeys, of course. Having a friend in Prague that you can visit is a good exchange for their distance. Having a friend that knows where all the good cheap bars are and will let you crash on their sofa is an even better exchange.

Okay, so I’m not going to get philosophical and weepy. Let me discuss something that has concerned me ever since I arrived here in the Czech Republic. What am I talking about, you say? Hot Czech Girls. More accurately there are hot Czech girls and hot Yugoslav girls here. They are everywhere. They speak English for the most part, and they are all over 5 foot 10 inches tall. I’m surrounded by freakin’ Amazons! Did the NBA send over a bunch of players here 18 to 25 years ago? Was there some kind of exhibition in 1980 that I can’t remember? Holy crap. I don’t exactly know how I’ll document this unusual phenomenon. I’ll see if I can put together a video segment dedicated to the topic. Someone else do some research on the NBA in 1980 and we’ll get together. Stay tuned.

I believe the bus trip is off now that the timing isn’t going to work out. Returning the tickets is not an option. They’ve gone bad. It was only $20 for both and I believe Katherine paid for most of them, so I’m not terribly depressed. There were hot baths and mineral waters that supposedly cured all ills. I wasn’t extremely excited to drink funky water, anyway.

The food in Prague is still as good as ever, and I’ve only indulged outside my strict regiment a couple of times. Okay, maybe three or four times. The cottage cheese, which I finally ate last night, reminded me of eating Philadelphia cream cheese in a way. It didn’t kill me, which is of course the most important thing. So far, nothing has left me unsettled outside of a small bout with the Pakistani cuisine. The ”ultra super hot” sauce was a little too much for me. At the end of that particular meal, we were presented with what looked like parakeet birdseed. They were sweetened grains with these little Red Hots like little dots of candy mixed in. Quite tasty. I have some video of that — perhaps this is the first video ever of people eating birdseed.

Last night we all stayed in. Matt, Katherine’s flatmate who is basically in charge of all housing payments, welcomed a new flat mate who took over the section of the house where Aemelia had been staying at days before. Aemelia was Anthony’s ex-girlfriend. Anthony and his new girlfriend Aria were also here briefly yesterday to leave for Berlin. Aria is the photographer of the bunch. There is film and photos all over the place that she has taken. A guy named Lars has also lived at the flat at some point. Everyone who lives there ends up leaving some of their stuff, supposedly to one day return for it. Aria has her own pile of junk, but Lars’ pile of junk has the most interesting bits which include some extremely old photo books — some of which contain photos of people and families doing family things like getting married and going out in the circa 1930’s — and some of which contain photos of people in the circa 1970’s practicing to get married and practicing making families. Comprenez-vous? Jeff, a friend of Matt’s who uses an iMac and spent some time trying to convince Katherine that iMac is superior to the PC, was also briefly in. He let us watch one of the ”Animatrix” episodes. I’ve already seen them, but can’t turn down a chance to see some Matrix goods. He was also off to Berlin, only not via hitchhiking which was Anthony and Aria’s planned mode of transit. Katherine spent the evening cleaning up the residence and quizzing Matt on whether something was trash or not. This continued until midnight after which we all retired to sleep for 12 hours. Good times.

Well, I’m off to check my mail and finances a few more times. It’s been around an hour since Katherine went to work. Check back tomorrow for what may be my second to last Super Genius in Prague update.