
the tax man cometh back

It’s that time of year again. Check out how my Houston taxes have fared since 2005: 346.50 — 2005 Subdivision Maintenance Fee 615.37 — 2005 Windfern Forest Municipal Utility District 855.90 — 2005 Harris County Property Tax 1866.97 — 2005 Cy-Fair Independent School District ——- 3684.74 Total 371.00 — 2006 Subdivision Maintenance Fee 584.08 — […]


time machine road trip podcast

The first MarkShields.com Super Genius Podcast is now available. Check out episode 1: The Time Machine Road Trip. I’ll have the XML feed for you to paste into iTunes later on, but for now you can either download the file and import it manually or just use Windows MediaPlayer to play it. Right-click here and […]


the time traveller

I arrived in Houston on Friday night and had dinner with my father at Texas Land and Cattle. My usual now consists of the spicy Caesar salad with no croutons and the Chipotle Tuna with garlic mashed potatoes. That meal is hottish, okay? Eat it. Hottish is my new word. Use it. After dinner, I […]


transformers movie ilm test clip

TRANSFORMERS! More than meets the eye. This is my cue laden blog entry that has some footage that I found floating on the net. Check out the Is It Real Or Is It Fake Transformer Test Movie. It’s a car in disguise. No, wait, it’s a robot disguised as a car. Oh! It’s BOTH! What […]


are you sirius?

A few days ago I bought a Bose speaker system for my computer in Philadelphia, but after some rethinking I’m returning it tomorrow. In its place, I’m getting the Sirius S50 Satellite Radio Receiver System Pack! Yeah, baby! I’m aware that this unit is not a true portable satellite receiver. It is designed to dock […]


the chronic-what?-cles of narnia

I laughed my *ss off when I first saw Saturday Night Live’s Chris Parnell and Andy Samberg music video short ”Lazy Sunday.” Watch the whole thing using the Google Video player on the left. My favorite part is when they determine mixing Mr. Pibb with Red Vines is Crazy Delicious. Also, ”Google Maps is the […]


it’s beginning to look a lot like ivy

What I thought was going to be a slow week in Philadelphia turned out to be quite interesting with little fixes and bugs that needs squashing in our application. You can test something over and over but you won’t know what people will find when you turn it over to a giant user population. We […]


i wanna be a part of it

This past Sunday, I trekked up to New York City with Heather to meet up with QueenBeth, OktoberNight and Natalie. Beth’s boyfriend Hilding was there as well, but I can’t seem to locate a website for him. How dare he! In truth, you don’t have to have a website to be seen with me, although […]