It’s that time of year again. Check out how my Houston taxes have fared since 2005:
346.50 -- 2005 Subdivision Maintenance Fee 615.37 -- 2005 Windfern Forest Municipal Utility District 855.90 -- 2005 Harris County Property Tax 1866.97 -- 2005 Cy-Fair Independent School District ------- 3684.74 Total 371.00 -- 2006 Subdivision Maintenance Fee 584.08 -- 2006 Windfern Forest Municipal Utility District 862.52 -- 2006 Harris County Property Tax 1877.40 -- 2006 Cy-Fair Independent School District ------- 3695.00 Total
Well, looks like the cost of living in Harris County didn’t go up as much as last year thanks to a tiny break from the Windfern Forest Municipal Utility District — better known as the water and sewage district but not called that because the words water and sewage don’t sound as cool as municipal utilities.