
astroworld forever

I created an Astroworld memories site using some videos I found on Google Video, YouTube, MySpace, and on some news sites. I have a slew of my own photos and videos that I’m also going to scan to contribute to the site. There are about 4 or 5 Astroworld ”tribute” sites out there which I’m […]


lightning strikes

I noticed this today on FARK and couldn’t help myself. Scroll below the story for my contribution. PITTSBURGH — A lightning strike this evening hit the Carnegie Library on the North Side. Witnesses say the lightning struck the clock tower at Allegheny Center. Robert Herrera was standing at his Allegheny Center window when he saw […]


southpark on itunes

I was just talking to some of my new coworker friends today about how several of us don’t have cable television. The biggest downside we figured was that we wouldn’t be able to see new South Park episodes. I didn’t think about that again until just now when I got back from running three miles […]


ansi graphics using thedraw

I ran a BBS on a Texas Instruments BusinessPro XT PC from 1988 to 1995 or thereabouts. You couldn’t do real graphics back then, but you could use MS-DOS extended ASCII characters to make pretty pictures. I used a DOS program called THEDRAW to do my work. It was a huge pain in the *ss […]


joined a gym

I joined the Calhoun Beach Club today. Now if I can only get the other two gyms that I was a member of back in Philly to stop charging me. Cheesh! At least that’s one good thing about Bally’s — they stopped billing when they said they would. In other news, I made an experimental […]


interviews with kittens

Do you have a lot of free time? I’m posting up the mp3 files that I made a few months ago for your listening displeasure. Most of it is pretty boring, but I figured I’d put them online for the sake of making them available to the entire earth. Check out what you’ve been missing! […]


podcast episode 2 is up

Click here to watch the Super Genius Podcast Episode 2 in Windows MediaPlayer Format. Click here for the Google Video version which features PSP and iPod downloads for you. Today’s episode features 95% of the video I shot in New Orleans for Mardi Gras a few weeks ago. I’ve also got some introduction video that […]


back to mardi gras

I could feel the crisp frozen air of Minneapolis on the nape of my neck as I walked through the jet way and into the plane. The floor of each did not line up and I had to step up to board the plane. ”This never happens,” I thought as I stood inside the airplane […]