Sometimes during any vacation you will reach a saturation point where the worries of your other life become more vivid with each passing moment. I think I hit that moment this morning at 6 AM when I was walking back from the clubs and saw the sunrise above the Mediterranean sea. Reading an email from Charles, a fellow coworker at The Big Insurance Company, also sealed the deal. What we have to talk about is blocked below (so you can skip it in the event you start to feel somewhat comatose).
Framework for portal navigation,
framework for web services,
context diagrams,
use case diagrams,
wire frames and/or UI navigation models,
a design appoach document,
class diagrams,
sequence diagrams,
and the occasional activity diagram here and there.
I was in Portugal’s Lisbon and Porto for the most part of last week. This week I’m in Spain’s Barcelona and have been filling in the gaps from my 1992 vacation in Europe when I completely bypassed these countries due to the Summer Olympics activity. I will have to say that weighing Portugal and Spain together and trying to decide which one is better was not very difficult. Spain wins hands down. The beaches are great. The food is great. The language is great, too. Everyone speaks Spanish so any previous Spanglish that you happen to know is a perfectly acceptable form of communcation. I will attempt to give a day by day breakdown when I return to town this Saturday afternoon. Town being Minneapolis. If I have not written to you personally yet, that’s because my internet time has been extremely limited. One free laptop for the entire hotel. Next time I’m bringing my laptop and an obnoxious pirate-worthy wireless transmitter that can reach me all the way to the beach. Mmmm.