What with all this crazy anthrax stuff going on, I decided to look up info on the disease and treatments available.
There is a vaccine available but only for the military. No civilians. Why? Ask BioPort.
They are a small, privately held company that seem to be the only place on earth where the vaccine is made. If I were them, I’d
reconsider my marketing approach. They are supposedly preparing a facility for FDA approval so they can begin to make more of the
vaccine, but when that will happen does not appear to be on the immediate horizon.
Doesn’t it seem strange that they only make tiny quantities? Is it hard to make? Maybe they’re just not motivated to make a lot
of it. ”We’re busy watching TV and making cupcakes. We’ll make more anthrax vaccine tomorrow, okay?”
Send BioPort your thoughts
about making the vaccine available for the general public. They don’t have a waiting list. They straight up tell you they won’t take your
name. Isn’t that friendly? Geez. If you want to go the other direction, our military has one of the
goofiest flash sites ever created giving you
all the goods on anthrax and what it can do for (and to) you. You’d figure if they could spend that
much time and money on a cheesy 1998-quality flash piece that they could at least apply decent pressure on BioPort to
make more vaccine. Do you see what happens when I don’t run things? [sigh]
There is a company meeting tomorrow and all signs point to bad news. I have heard from many people about what we might possibly
be facing. Pay cuts? No more 401K matching? Shorter bathroom breaks? Who knows. One thing is for sure: it apparently won’t be a morale
booster. Maybe if they slipped us all some Ecstacy before they told us, we’d take it better. ”Dude, I don’t know what the HR department put
in my Sprite, but I’m liking it! Hey, did they just say we don’t have health insurance anymore? Wow! Kick ass! Let’s dance!”
This is definitely not the time to be mailing anybody any talcum powder samples.