Flew to Houston Tuesday night. Endured grueling three hour delay for departure which saw us waiting 47th in line to take off. Gawd! I was sitting in a row all by myself — minor bonus. I arrived in Houston and resolved my first major task — locating my missing keys. In fact, the stupid keys had been with me the entire freakin’ time while I was in Philly simply hidden away in a suitcase pocket. Durh. My absent-mindedness will never wear off completely. I need a yellow disclaimer sticker attached to me to let people know about that. You know, like those stickers in new cars that say the air bags will kill you if you do this or that wrong. I thought they were supposed to save you, but apparently not.
My DeLorean and Eclipse have been parked face-to-face in my car-port garage thing during my time away. The Eclipse was exposed to two terrible things: 1) The elements and 2) This homeless orange cat and its neurotic kitten. These cats have taken up residence outside the kitchen and are of the ”Hey, let’s stick around and see if the blonde dude (my housesitter Daniel) will keep feeding us.” He is officially a cat-person. There. I’ve said it. The cats left a generous amount of their hair all over my convertible top. Ick. I fear that the cat may have used the cover as a scratching post as well. My solution to this dilemma was to rent out two more 10×20 enclosed units at the storage place where my Batmobile is kept. I’ll take dust over cat hair any day.
My time in court was well spent. I went to my office in Houston and did some work there until 5:20 PM. I figured I could drive the seven miles to the courthouse in 40 minutes. Wrong. I made it there in 50. I do not heart Houston traffic. It wasn’t a problem, at least, and I got my ”Failure to Appear” dismissed and the ”Illegal Turn” ticket will be resolved in 90 days when I take defensive driving yet again. I’d talk more about the strange cast of characters that they had in the courthouse that evening, but I can summarize using these ten words: stupid, ignorant, moronic, discourteous, stubborn, ignorant (yes, I know I already used this one, but it is so dead on), dumb, ditzy, doozy, and dozey. I will not miss my time spent there. I drove home and then saw THE WAR OF THE WORLDS after having dinner with my dad and Parker. Great movie! So much tension. I think a few things happened in there storywise that I disagreed with (what happens to Tim Robbins’ character, specifically), but other than that small gripe, I enjoyed the film immensely. Bring a special someone and you will most likely get clawed and clenched through the whole thing. Lucky for me, my dad kept his hands to himself.