I’m in my master bedroom closet where I have my Sony desktop set up. I need to get on the ball and start packing for the plane ride back to Philadelphia, but I thought I would catch up everyone on all my latest eccentric goings-on.
I saw ”The Forgotten” on Friday night and ”Cellular” on Sunday night. I *loved* Forgotten. There were three or four points in the film where something so terrifying happens that the entire audiece just screams in horror. You gotta love that. I’m not talking about Aliens vs. Predator screaming, either. I mean real fear. If you have the time, see it. As far as Cellular goes, however, it was mildly servicable. You might want to wait til the DVD comes out so you can pause and get some snackies when things start to get boring. I don’t get why Kim Basinger has been in so many bad films since winning her Oscar. She’s still hot, though. If Kim Basinger happens to be reading my blog, well, Kim, let’s meet and hook up. I have a blindfold and strawberries with your name on them.
Instead of Number’s Nightclub on Friday night I went to some ”Bars and Stripes” thing at this little bar next to the Engine Room in downtown Houston. Everyone in there was so friggin’ tall, though. I am 5′ 11” but I was still feeling quite short. Weird. Everyone seemed boring and run of the mill, though, so there was no interest there for me. A friend of a friend was able to give me the blow by blow details of who was single, who was breaking up, who had baggage, and who was a big ho-bag. It was nice having that kind of insight, ummm, kinda. In retrospect, I wish I’d hit the Number’s.
Been driving around the DeLorean exclusively this weekend with no problems whatsoever. There was a little steam and some spillage when I was at the dentist this morning, but it didn’t recur. Weird. Oh… the dentist. I hadn’t been for three years but I’m fairly religious about always flossing, brushing, Listerining, and rinsing with bubble-gum flavored flouride stuff. Mmmm. Bubble gum. I go through a lot of floss so I wasn’t surprised when the hygeinist found very little to scrape away. My dentist rocked the house and did some re-shaping of my teeth for me. Only $45 for the procedure, and now my kinda jagged teeth and slightly chipped front tooth (from the Michael King wrestling and Jimara Johnson kickboxing incidents) are nice and smooth. I had a cavity on the *side* of one of my molars. So weird. He numbed me up and filled it this morning as well. One stop shopping. Dr. Bennett Hanson is his name and he’s off Bellaire. I highly recommend him in case you live in Houston and you’re looking for a good dentist. I met him courtesy of ex-girlfriend #3, the former Betsy Russey. She’d broken three teeth in a tragic I Felt Faint While I Was Walking At The Hospital™ incident. I have photos. Maybe she’ll send me another nasty email if I post them. I got one (a nasty email) from her a few years ago because she couldn’t remember my mentioning the Basic Instinct parody photo of us that I’d posted here on the site (I did mention it — she apparently didn’t remember — a rarity). Pfft. I’m babbling. Are you entertained? If you’re not then call my Matrix cell phone and listen to my message.
I sold off my Toyota Corolla today with 163,000 miles after only owning it for six months. I’m selling it for the same price that I bought it, so I’m not really losing out on anything. The sale has given me the chance to hang out with my sister at her place of business (The Bank). It’s quiet at the bank. They’re really nice there, and the coffee is tasty. They took pictures of my DeLorean while I was inside (big surprise). I’m now at a loss for anything funny about the incident. Check back later tonight and I’ll add some Funny™ into this blog entry.
Off to the airport. Catch ya later.