I’ve spent the last five days researching how to transplant MovableType onto my new server. In the process I’ve determined that Berkeley DB sucks major big time. Frequently if you go from one box to the other and your database version changes from v1.805 to v1.808 then the whole dang friggin’ thing won’t work unless you compile a special db_upgrade utility on your box. That sounds easy until you find out you have a million missing packages necessary to even get started. Jesus! I’m still having nightmares from all of the RPM file hunts I went on. I decided that I’d just convert to mySQL and get it over with. Much easier. I only had one database that I could access on my old box, so it was a matter of converting my site to mySQL, dumping to a file, transferring file to new box, importing into new db, then dropping all the tables I created on the old box and repeating the procedure over again (for the other peoples I’m hosting such as QueenBeth and OktoberNight). I will never go back to Berkeley DB! Seriously, if you’re running MovableType 2.2x to 2.661 (the last free version they made) then I highly recommend moving to mySQL as soon as humanly possible. It’s much better than gouging your eyeballs out, trust me.
A saw ”Sin City” last weekend with Shawn, Heather, and Parker and — it was fantastic. I’m ready to see it again. So good. Truly, a film that is its own new genre. I loved it. It reminded me of the weirdness I felt when they first made Master of the Universe into a live-action film. Hated Dolph Lundgrun. Loved Courtney Cox. Mmm. That bastard David Arquette. Jealous. Ergh. Okay. I’m going to Number’s tonight to find a clone of Courtney Cox (or at least an approximation). I wonder where I put my beer goggles.