I’ve decided that I shouldn’t promise to do anything because it makes me not want to do whatever it was that was promised. Recent example? I fully intended to post all my Minnesota State Fair photos online after I returned to the confines of The Shields Lair. This did not occur, however. Given that time has passed and I’ve examined previous blog entries, I now find that, at 4:55 AM, I have the time to post some photos and make a few sarcastic comments. To make things more fun, I also managed to use up another 20 minutes drawing suggestive cartoon captions into one of the images. Now my sarcastic comments will remain in perpetuity. Here we go.

All the milk you can drink for $1? More like drink and ralph for $1.
Deep fried Oreo cookies? More like deep fried death! Mmmm!
Snack Mix? Did the cooks construct the Chex themselves? The Super Genius wants beer.
Not all pumpkins are orange, apparently.
Not all middle-aged Minnesotans are lecherous, apparently… except the guy on the right.