04-May-2005 Uncategorized


In today’s Super Genius Mailbag, web site visitor VizionzofSpace@aol.com wrote inquiring about my replica batmobile. Here’s a transcript of our conversation:

From: VizionzofSpace1@aol.com
To: Mark Shields
Date: May 2, 2005 11:44 PM
Subject: Weight of Bat Car?
How much does the bat car weigh? I am doing research before I contact my
people to build one from scratch, but I would like to know what the car weighs
and how many horses does the engine have?

From: Mark Shields To: VizionzofSpace1@aol.com Date: May 3, 2005 10:23 AM Subject: Re: Weight of Bat Car? Ask me a non-stupid question, and I'll answer it
From: VizionzofSpace1@aol.com To: Mark Shields Date: May 3, 2005 3:28 PM Subject: Re: Weight of Bat Car? that isn't a stupid question.....the weight of the car is imperitive to figuring out the engine needed.... but if you'd like to be a jerk off, then go ahead.........
From: Mark Shields To: VizionzofSpace1@aol.com Date: May 3, 2005 4:47 PM Subject: Re: Weight of Bat Car? First, it's spelled IMPERATIVE. Second, you obviously know NOTHING about cars, because if you did you'd realize that the weight of the car means nothing as far as what kind of engine you'd put in it. Why don't you ask me how big the engine bay is? At least that would have something to do with how big an engine you can put in the car. DUH! Duhrrrr. I'm done talking to you.
From: VizionzofSpace1@aol.com To: Mark Shields Date: May 3, 2005 4:56 PM Subject: Re: Weight of Bat Car? Thanks jerk off.......You'll never work in the film industry again..... Have a nice day....
From: Mark Shields To: VizionzofSpace1@aol.com Date: May 4, 2005 6:32 AM Subject: Re: Weight of Bat Car? I'm telling your daddy that you called me a name! You'll be so sorry!

Oh no! I’ll never work in the film industry… again?
