Sitting at the Bohemian Bagel with Kath and Aemelia (interesting spelling, n’est pas?). They are watching me read my boring emails and delete my filthy spams. Then they watched me lounge around my bank account and lament that the sums did not meet my dreams. Okay, well, maybe not exactly that. Kath is working on maintaining balance on a stool. This is a good thing because the other night she lost her cell phone while the balancing part was most challenging. If I gave you her phone number in case of an emergency, you may now throw it away. It is now useless. If you need to get in touch with me there will be a roughly 24 hour delay between now and my next journey to an internet cafe.
We just had a lively discussion over why I use XHTML to code the little line breaks in my comments. I think we came out with no clear winner as far as whether XHTML is stupid or is worthwhile. We shall meet again.
Thanks to Brian for the clarification on the clotting problems that the 30 minute exercise video attempts to resolve — which I semi-watched on the plane. I will most likely die from clots in the leg until they make a video with a catchier soundtrack, or a better looking ankle model.
We don’t know what we’re going to do today. But as always, we have the videocamera and will document everything interesting (and everything non-interesting — most of which will be deleted in post-editing).