Normally my blog is generic and not really directed at any person or persons in particular.
Not today.
It’s really difficult keeping up with the few friends in Houston that I still get the chance to see on the rare occasion when I’m in town. It’s even more difficult when one of my supposed friends reveals that she is a LIAR and will LIE IN MY FACE pretending to be my friend when in fact the exact opposite is true.
Do me a favor, Renee, and don’t talk to me again. If you see me, avoid me. In return I will abide by your wishes and will stop being friends with Brandy. Your obsession and jealousy issues with me have destroyed a friendship that had no romantic intentions whatsoever. Does that make you happy? I hope it does. I can’t believe how stupid I was to have thought you wanted to be friends with me. It won’t happen again.
We now return to our regularly scheduled blog.