01-Sep-2004 Uncategorized

l0s3r5 i wan+ +0 hAx0r **updated**

Check out the email I got last night from this moron:

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Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 19:11:13 -0400
From: SmashingPunkN@netscape.net
To: super******@gmail.com
Subject: Don't be such a dick about the bat mobile, your not superior if ur the
only one who has it ur just a loser who won't share a great thing.
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You are a real dick.  Why not try to make money on molding the bat mobile and
selling it?  You could make seriuos money and would make people really happy not
to mention you could get some friends.  I'm guessing you don't have many.  You
are really a loser to and need 2 stop with the sucky movies.  Sorry but They are
really bad.  I think it's hard to believe you got second place.  Was the
first movie a film of someone taking a dump on a neibhors lawn.  I'd definately
vote for them.  You should make anyone who buys the mold give you and whoever
helped you full credit.
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Now, let’s dissect this guy’s email. He’s obviously read my Batmobile FAQ. Perhaps the 50K price is too high for him so he felt obligated to write me a persuasive letter. Perhaps he thought he could talk me into letting people make molds off the car and in exchange I’d get ”credit.” I don’t want recognition, though, so the exchange isn’t appealing to me. Now… let’s go over some of the things that went wrong in his ”persuasive” (and I use the term loosely) letter. Ahem… I know it isn’t much to ask for, but nobody likes it when they have to decipher what the heck an email says. Let’s go over all errors, not just spelling.

  1. ”bat mobile” — this is one word: batmobile
  2. ”ur” — I’ll let this one slide in lieu of ”you’re” cuz you’re probably l33t
  3. There’s a period at the end of your subject — don’t do that.
  4. ”try to make money on molding” — how about ”by molding”
  5. ”seriuos” — Nuh, uh! Are you serious?
  6. ”…you could get some friends” — NO WAY! I could get some friends? Wow! Thanks for the tip!
  7. ”I’m guessing you don’t have many” — I thought I had one somewhere… in the basement.
  8. ”You are really a loser to” — to? too? two? tutu?
  9. ”Sorry but They are really bad” — you find the CAPS key and go crazy, huh? Look at you!
  10. ”Was the first movie…” — I like how you don’t end a question with a question mark. Neat.
  11. ”neibhors” — did you mean Neighbors?
  12. definately — common mistake — it’s definitely misspelled, however…

And the last little gem from this email came in the last sentence: ”You should make anyone who buys the mold give you and whoever helped you full credit. ” You know what, Mr. Smashing Pumpkins fan who lives in Norristown, PA? I’m raising the price of the car to 100K, just because of you. That should ensure that nobody will ever have the chance to duplicate it. You can pat yourself on the back for that. Good job!