I haven’t been able to access mail.yahoo.com all weekend. I guess their big idea about giving away so much space is backfiring. I’m still able to suck down the email through Outlook Express, but anyone using free Yahoo, versus Yahoo Plus which costs $19.95/yr, is s*** out of luck since you can’t access a pop account. I have two GMail invites, however, so if you want to get yourself an account, email me at supergenius at gmail point com. Yeah, that’s a new address. I’m shutting down my old mark at email point net address thanks to the fine producers of email spam. It’s been funny watching them desperately try new variations to get through the filters. Looks like this weekend’s variation is tooooo leeeengthen woooooords liiiiiike thiiiiiis annnnnnd theeeeee fillllllters seeeeeeem tooooo leeeeet theeeeeese messsssssages geeeeeeeet throuuuuuugh.
On Thursday I saw my first Phillies baseball game at the new stadium. I was only able to work two hours before leaving so I’ve got to make up the gap. It was worth it, though! We were even in the nosebleeds but I still had a great time. I bought a Phillies baseball hat to compliment half of my I’m A Philly Resident Disguise. The other half of my disguise is just me walking past people and saying, ”How you doin’?”
On Friday I saw ”Dodgeball” at the Norristown Regal Cinema 10. It wasn’t stadium seating, but then again it looked like it was built in the early 90’s. Are we spoiled now with the stadium seating? Hollywood Movie premieres are never in stadium seating theaters, so I guess going back to an Old School theater isn’t out of the question. The movie was hilarious, by the way. Good stupid fun. They do at least one joke every 30 seconds so there’s plenty of attempts to keep your attention. See it. I had a couple of beers with a coworker before I went in to see the movie and it helped me get through the dumber jokes. Good
to know.
Saturday morning I crawled out of bed, dressed, hopped in my car and drove to the vet. I’m feeding Chew this special dog food for urinary tract care. He was having some problems with crystals flaring things up earlier this year so we made the switch and his problems are solved. The only downside is the food is a bit pricier and I can only get it from the vet. I also picked up some Interceptor. You put this on the back of your pet’s neck and all bugs on your pet run away like little girls for up to three months. I ran home with my goods and exchange them for the dog himself. We drove to Petsmart and he got The Top Dog from New Jersey hottie Priscilla. In turn I drove to the Cherry Hill Lowes and saw ”Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.” It was good. Anything with time travel in it and a good story is good. Still, the movie clocked in at 2 hours and 30 minutes. I always seem to find myself getting bored after the second hour goes by. I never had this problem with the Lord of the Rings films. I’m assuming this isn’t because I’m becoming grumpy.
Saturday Night I walked several blocks to a pool hall. My legs workout earlier in the day made walking difficult, but that’s a good thing. After being threatened to get set up with a cute nerdy girl playing pool at an adjacent table, we moved on to a latin club called Cuba Libre. If you visit my Real World Philly fan site TheRealWorldPhilly.com there’s a message that details the place. I had fun, but their bartender definitely made one of the worst Dirty Martinis I’d had in a long time. After 2 A.M. I cabbed to Silk City for bacon, eggs and coffee before heading back home. Super Genius: 1. Coffee: 0.
My dog Chew woke me up Sunday morning. He never really does that. I think he enjoyed being Super Clean Dog and wanted to spend some time with me. I forgot to mention that Saturday night I also vacuumed up the apartment and changed out his blanket with a fresh one. I’m getting prepared to straighten things up as Queen Beth’s arrival is drawing closer and I’d like to make my Studio Apartment look less like some place a consultant is living in on a temporary basis (even though my lease goes through June 2005). Anyway, I took Chew to the park and let him go sniffing crazy for 20 minutes while I ate my whitefish on wheat sandwich with a bag of pork cracklins and a diet Vanilla Coke. Pork cracklins are apparenly East Coast lingo for pork rinds. Chew came back to the apartment and crashed on his bed. He’s got it rough.
To wind things up these late evening I’m importing some more of my CD collection into my iPod, slowy but surely. It already imported every MP3 it could find on my harddrive when I first installed it. That made me realize that my MP3 collection was lame. My CD collection isn’t that far behind, but definitely a vast improvement. At the moment I have 2,067 songs taking up 7.38 GB. It says it’d take 5.6 days to listen to all that. Like that’s gonna happen.