Hired a dog walker yesterday. We’ll see how Chew gets along with him. Basset hounds aren’t known as being killers. A 45 minute walk in the midafternoon costs $10 a pop. Beats trying to get home as fast as possible to avoid crossing the 12 hour threshold since the last walk. He can hold it, but relief is always good. That plus maybe he’ll hook up with some hottie dogs that only go out at 3 P.M. Hehe. Hottie Dogs.
Listening to ”The Eminem Show” and working on my daily tasks. Got a project plan now that says exactly what I have to do on an hour by hour basis. At first I was skeptical but now that I’m a week into the schedule… I love it. If only life could be this structured. Guess I have to either become the President or some kind of person who needs a travelling secretary. I’d hire Jennifer Garner as my secretary, now that I think about it. Hmmm. Anyway, Mr. Mather’s ”8 Mile” comes out this weekend and my interest is there. ”Punch Drunk Love” will probably win out, though. And speaking of juries, Winona. Good luck. I bought cake mix and a big ass nail file last night, baby.
I finally acquired a case of Diet Vanilla Coke. It is yum. I am giving it to coworkers trying to get them hooked. The first one is always free. So far only a couple people have rejected it. They’ll learn.
Read an article on CNN.com about the problems that arise when you have a ”solicitous” spouse or a ”suck it up” spouse. The solicitous spouse is always helping you and offering comfort and giving the other spouse physical support and such. The ”suck it up” spouse just kind of offers advice and doesn’t really offer extending physical comfort (like backrubs or whatever). Apparently the solicitous spouse is bad. You feel bad, but the solicitous spouse makes it worse by encouraging talk about it and not really doing things that will permanently help. The ”suck it up” spouse forces you to figure out how to get over the pain or whatever problems you’re encountering on your own. Very funny. So, what kind of spouse (or partner) would *you* want? My jury is still out on this one.
Going to see ”JackAss” tonight with fellow coworker geeks. I suspect crazy times ahead. My dog walker just reported back. He says Chew Chew bit him, and that he got shocked by the bark collar, all in the first two minutes. Everything after that was cake, however. Preparing myself for imminent lawsuit.