09-Mar-2005 Uncategorized

i’m older than you

I went to Number’s on Friday night. I wore my American Eagle jeans, New Balance 991 sneakers, and my Fantastic 4 tee. A had a mini-workout and shower before leaving. I decided to spike up my hair crazy-style with my fibre-paste product. After a quick stop at the Chevron on Montrose for some cashish, I arrived. My regular parking lot guy behind La Strada was there. He offered a better spot for the Eclipse but I was happy with the spot. He’s familiar with my arsenal of automobiles, that and I tip him an extra fiver everytime I park. The usual suspects were working the register. I passed them 6 bucks, got tagged like a wild monkey, and went in. There were many attractive peoples there. I settled into my usual area near the pool table. I think I’ve been a regular at Number’s for ten years now. I’m waiting for them to give me my plaque. There were two girls in particular that I noticed dancing — a tall brunette and a short, petite shorthaired girl. Marilyn Manson’s cover of ”Personal Jesus” came on and the brunette stopped dancing and stood next to me, looking out toward the dance floor. I leaned over and asked her if she stopped dancing because of the song or because Marilyn Manson was singing it. Marilyn Manson tends to scare off the peoples when played on 80’s Night. She replied, ”Oh, no… well, I prefer the Depeche Mode version of the song … but since I’m older than you I guess you wouldn’t have heard that version.” Nice! She knows all the right words to say to me. I asked her how old she was and she quickly replied: ”31.” I spiked up my hair that night and suddenly I’m lookin’ under 30. I need to remember that. She laughed and said everyone in there looked like they were 12. I briefly wonder if I looked 12. No. I’m thinking not. I spoke to them later and found out that they were married and without their husbands for the evening. Wrong answer! The tall girl was named Lisa and her friend was named Amanda. Lisa does videography work professionally. Hey, I do that unprofessionally. Oh, well. At least I have two new friends there. Always a good thing. I went home around 1:30 AM after waiting an hour for my beer high to subside. Mmmm. Beer. I picked up two egg and bacon taquitos from WhataBurger on the way home. Mmmm. Taquitos.

Saturday I held a garage sale from noon to four. I spent the morning cleaning up my junk, taking down my bunk bed from the attic, and making signs to bring people my way. I had about fifteen or so groups of people stop by. Not too bad. I sold a bunch of stuff including the bunk bed. I kept the production label from the bottom of the bunk — June 1975. Dang. I was six. I made around a hundred bucks. That’ll buy plenty more protein. Mmmm. Well, you know.

I had sushi at Kirin II with my dad on Sunday. We then followed up by watching ”Be Cool” at the Willowbrook 24. I liked it. There were some moments that made me cringe — particularly Steven Tyler’s acting. Eeew. He is much better being himself versus pretending to be himself. I also cringed everytime Travolta and Thurman were shown kinda swaying their heads back and forth as if they were ”into” the music they were hearing. The music wasn’t bad, per se, but it was being presented as if it was The Sh*t. Still, I enjoyed the film. It was offbeat and I like the Chili Palmer character. Hey, there’s protein in Chili, isn’t there? Okay, that sounds sick when taken the wrong way. Forget I mentioned that.

I imported all of my old manual blog enties into MovableType. Such a pain in the ass. I have no idea how OktoberNight was able to do it and not go crazy. I took me well over 8 hours. Now that I’m done it turns out I’ve got well over 500 entries posted since I started my blog back in August 2000. I was stuck at home the first week I started making entries. It was all over a misunderstanding about a computer that had someone else’s stuff on it — and I ended up having to take the blame. Nice. I didn’t really feel comfortable talking about it back then, but now in retrospect I have heard soooo many crazy stories and rumors about what people think happened. The truth has become so distorted now that even I’m impressed by what some people say I did. I just let them think what they want. Stupid is as stupid does. Anyway, so off my soapbox. My point being — lots of blog entries have been posted — and many more are to come. It’s so fashionable nowadays to have a blog that I sometimes wonder why it didn’t catch on sooner. I believe today or yesterday was the first time a blogger was granted access to the White House briefing room. I don’t see myself trying to get in there, but hey, good to know.