Listening to Marilyn Manson’s ”Coma White” and working on a payment screen for my awesome clients. In a great mood. Had a great holiday, although admittedly I got most of my errands done during the last eight hours before I left for the airport. I’ll hit the highlights.
Got into town on 11/22 and felt it was necessary to go to Number’s dressed as Batman. Batman is popular when he goes to Number’s. Batman met many interesting people there that evening. Batman lost count of the number of pretty girls who came up to him and gave him a smooch on the cowl. Batman wants to forget about the drunken couples who tend to approach him at the end of the evening thinking they can take Batman home. Batman doesn’t want to go home with you. Batman has to go back to the Batcave and check back in with Alfred. Don’t you people watch t.v. ? Condition of Batman’s costume may necessitate getting in touch with The Brotherhood of the Bat. Batman can’t talk about the brotherhood. Secret society. Forget I mentioned it. Shhhh.
Next day went to the mall with OktoberNight. Made no purchases, but didn’t mind the human scenery that is typical of Willowbrook Mall patrons. Rest of the week after that is kind of a blur. Goofed off a lot. Got a new phone thanks to my awesome company. Old phone was trying to censor me by incessantly beeping whenever I answered or dialed out. I am only disappointed in that every single ring option on it blows. The vibrate option is looking very good, although there is this one option called BEEP which just beeps ONE TIME — and very quietly at that. One beep isnt’ enough to get my attention, however, so for the time being I am listening to Ring 9 which plays a musical octave up and down a couple of times. I’ve forgotten the term that means playing all of the notes, including sharps and flats. Dammit. I feel like it is something like chromatic scale, but that sounds wrong, kinda. I think I’m going to buy a decent trombone next year after I get past all of the holiday presents and taxes that I have to pay. Batman’s 6th grade trombone does not pass muster.
Took the Corvette in for the yearly inspection only to be given the typical bad news. Calipers in the back are bad and my exhaust system sucks. I knew all along it would be something like that. Got off easy last year with only a missing emergency brake system, so it’s the little things that count.
Speaking of the little things, saw ”The Osbournes” last week and loved it. I heard Robin Quivers on Howard Stern say that it was not as funny as before, but truthfully I laughed my ass off. I am ready for the bad news that is coming tomorrow, so we’ll see how they handle Sharon’s cancer news and if they can maintain an air of humor about it. I’ll bet they do. Oh, I forgot to mention this, but when Aimee Osbourne appeared on the Barbara Walters special ealier this year, she came off as a bratty jerk that didn’t seem proud to be associated with her family. No wonder she won’t appear on camera, she’d probably be the one person you hate on the show (right now there really is no one to hate as most everyone is likable). I don’t know. I’ve had friends say ”Hey leave Aimee alone” but really, she came off as so ”I’m better than them” in the interview that I think I would have rather not ever seen it in the first place. Bleah.
Saw ”Die Another Day” and loved it with the exception of a crappy miniature or two. Can’t they use computer graphics to do that stuff? I can’t believe they used the Predator “invisibility” trick on Bond’s car. Finally. Given the timing it takes to adopt conventions from other cinema, I predict James Bond will be dodging bullets by 2014.
Thanksgiving was great. Dad bought a Luby’s meal completely prepared in advance. Very interesting. I like the Luby’s. I think we may have to avoid doing it again, however, as the bland quality does sort of detract from the interesting food the family normally prepares. Make that the food that my dad normally prepares. One year he smoked the turkey and that had to be the best dead turkey I ever had the pleasure of devouring. Mmmmm. Carnivorous thoughts passing through head.