18-Nov-2003 Uncategorized

i have seen the paris hilton video

Not impressed. I’ve seen better footage on Showtime After Dark. Good times. Not a big fan of NightVision recording. Turn on the lights, for crying out loud. Pamela and Tommy Lee knew a thing or two about proper illumination.

My regular glasses lost a screw recently. I have both prescription sunglasses and contacts as a backup, but I get my share of weird looks when I’m walking around in the sunglasses.

”Can you even see in those?”

Me: ”Yes.”

”Is it too bright in here for you?”

Me: ”Yes.”

”Are you getting ready to go into the Matrix?”

Me: ”Yes.”

I watched the first episode of ”The Dead Zone” from the Season One DVD last night. I saw a pilot episode that never aired back in 2001 and wrote a review for Ain’t It Cool News. This version was similar to what I saw, but it seems a few things were reshot or excised. The sucky acting of the child actors at the beginning seems slightly more bearable, but not by much. I am actually giddy to get back home and watch some more. I haven’t felt this way since I used to subscribe to Showtime. Ahhh. Good times.
I’m reminded of an old Robert Hays TV movie called ”The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything.” In it, Hays was given a watch by a deceased relative that could stop time but allow the wearer to continue moving. Hall is able to do this during the projections that he experiences and these are done very well. This is a nice mix of time travel type storylines and some decent dramatic development. I will withhold my recommendation until I get through a few more episodes, but I think this show can break the My Girlfriend Won’t Watch Geeky Shows With Me barrier. This issue is, of course, second in importance behind My Girlfriend Won’t Let Me Film Our Love With NightVision barrier. You’re on your own with that one, bub.