I got a fever! And the only prescription… is more cowbell! Actually, more cowbell won’t help. I’ve been taking TheraFlu every six hours since Saturday morning at 5 AM. My temperature has gotten as high as 101.5 and, when On Drugs, as low as 100.4. There’s a huge difference between those two temperatures. The weekend was basically ruined as a result. I was supposed to go to a friend’s birthday get together downtown yesterday. I was supposed to go to Number’s on Friday. I was supposed to clean up my house for some incoming guests next weekend. Instead, I sat on the sofa and sweated like a dog, moaning, and occasionally coughing up some nice phlegm. It’s good times! I have to admit, the TheraFlu is good stuff, but it doesn’t last the full six hours like they claim. I was frequently tempted to get my next hit an hour early so I could avoid the body temperature swing of getting my fever back and then losing it again. As of this morning (Monday), my unmedicated temperature was down to 100.2 degrees, and my current On Drugs temperature as of a few minutes ago was 98.4. That’s technically .2 degrees lower than normal, although I’m not complaining. I have a wicked sore throat to deal with, not to mention the hacking cough that I use to keep my lungs empty. On the upside, I hired a lawn mower guy and my yard looks kick ass. I may try to drive to Wal-Mart to buy some lawn fertilizer deweeder stuff. Other than that, I’m going to rest up and try to get back to work tomorrow. Apologies to anyone that I stood up this weekend. You definitely didn’t want to catch what I’ve got. Hmmm. I think I’ll be funny again tomorrow, too. The lack of sleep has sucked away the ha ha.