Attended The Golden Age of Grotesque Marilyn Manson concert last night at the Tower Theater. I had the best seat for a concert I’ve ever had. Front row center. No barrier. Basically it was Marilyn Manson putting on a show 5 feet away. He played a good number of songs… I’ll get the exact set list posted soon. The show was going great up until when someone ten rows back threw a bottle at Manson. I was halfway expecting to see the jackass from the other day who’d been talking smack about my big giant dick. Manson tried to get him to come up on the stage but the bottle throwing wuss wouldn’t show his face. Manson played ”Beautiful People” and then that was it. No encore. Way to go, Philly! I had a great time regardless. If you get the chance to see him live, do it. Great F’ing show.
Just wanted to drop a note to say that if anyone has been trying to get in touch with me via AIM or email that my machine where all my accounts are stored has been jacked up for the last several days. I think I have a solution that will bring it back from the dead tonight. Does anybody know where I can get goat’s blood and wart of newt for cheap?
Friend of mine that I hired on who’s also a fellow Jersey Village High School alumni has turned me on to Always good to see that my classmates are doing okay. Despite some misgivings and mistreatment in those problematic elementary and junior high years, I don’t hold a grudge against anybody. Oh, wait, EXCEPT whoever narced on me for taking pictures when we wrapped Cy-Farm back in the fall of 1986. That sucked! The assistant principals called my parents and had them bring my camera up to school while I was held captive in the office. The negatives were quickly developed and then all kinds of hell broke lose. Ugh. If I could go back and do it again, I would have taken pictures of my butt crack instead. This was back in the day when they were still using PADDLING as a punishment. Good times.