10-Jul-2003 Uncategorized

dude, where’s my rental car?

Last night I bought some free weights, a jump rope, and a medicine ball from Dick’s Sporting Goods. I parked in this spot in the back of my building that I highly covet. It is often taken but not last night. I went inside and was quite happy. I woke up this morning quite happy. I walked the dog and picked up some coffee… while quite happy. I returned the dog and walked outside to get in my car. Car not there. Oops. I had one of those heart skip moments. Then I called the two private towing firms — neither had my car. They recommended I call the Philadelphia Parking Authority. Car there. I took a taxi to 2501 Weccacoe. Showed my license and rental car keys to 3 different people. Paid $100 to release car. Got $25 parking ticket as souvineer of my trip. Drove to work… not quite happy. I’m going on a paid parking place hunt when I get home late tonight. Going to see ”The Matrix Reloaded: IMAX Experience” with some friends from work. When I post again I will reveal my secret nearly fat free pizza snack recipe. Pizza snacks make me quite happy. Tow truck drivers suck, however. That is all. Please return in 24 hours (everyone except Renee).