07-Apr-2001 Uncategorized

dimentia / touch of sanity

Remind me not to post any more blog entries at 3 AM. Too much sharing.

Watching the Real World Hawaii marathon on MTV. There was a housemate that season named Amaya. For those of you with a vague recollection about this season,
I will summarize it in Dude-Speak. Ahem. "You know, it’s the blonde chick with the boobs she kept calling ”The Girls” who was dating that 19 year old
guy who couldn’t stand her but kept sleeping with her?" Does that ring a bell?
She worked for a management company that
I dealt with extensively last year. I am hosting their site right now; check it out here.
Anyway, Amaya was a total pain in the ass while she worked there. She’s not there any more, but I had many a lost message when I called up there. It’s
kind of freaky watching someone on MTV that I sorta had to deal with. I’m over it, however.
Everything about this show is about Amaya or about the alcoholic Ruthie chick. Bleah. Chalk that up on my list of turn-offs. Girls who drink and turn
mean. I’d rather be watching re-runs of M*A*S*H than dealing with them. Amaya was also a big cryer. She cried all the time at the office. Total drama
queen. I hate drama. I do like adventure, however. Interesting eccentricities are also good. You know, I would like to date Amaya just to teach her
the ”super genius way.” The downside to the ”super genius way” is that you won’t
be dating me for long. The upside is that you will be prepped for marriage and will find Mr. Right within 3 months after breaking up with me.
I am going to update my Ex-Files section to directly address this phenomenon. Eventually. Need to procrastinate about it a bit more.

Went to #’s tonight. It was great. Good friend Rich the bartender was there to offer sage advice. Saw the ex-girlfriend who had to deal with ”the sad fact
that she once dated me” and I totally didn’t recognize her when I first spotted her dancing. Kind of funny when you think you’ve spotted someone new
only to find out you already knew them.

Going to see Blow tomorrow with a good female friend of mine. We’ve never been boyfriend-girlfriend, although I’ve filed several appeals with the
district attorney to get the restraining order overturned. Heh. She’s a tall girl, however. Oh, and she’s engaged. Did I mention that? Let’s focus on
the tall girl part. I like tall girls. I like short girls. Come to think of it, as long as a girl is as tall as I am or shorter, I’m there. However,
dwarfs and little people need not apply. No offense. I have an R2-D2 replica, however, that I would like to put you in, but just email me and we’ll talk
about that offline. Ahem. So, we’re gonna see Blow tonight. It looks good. David Letterman has been plugging it for the past two weeks. I am
addicted to Dave. I must obey what he says. A few years ago I took this particular friend to a Marco’s where she proceeded to get sloshed out of her mind.
We then went to the movies and saw the remake of Miracle on 34th Street. She couldn’t concentrate. She was wiggling all over the place. She zonked out
in mid-movie. People started moving away from us. It was great. Ah. Good times.