I dug up the demon dialer program I wrote in 1983 and let it loose for old time’s sake. The results below include incremental dialing from 7137491000 through 7137497999 (UH) and 7139370000 through 7139375500 (NW Houston). The format you’ll see below first lists the number which had a successful connection, the estimated baud rate, and as a bonus I’m including some research data that came though by way of attempting to log on (if prompted) by entering an obviously fake username. I have no intention of making any hack attempts, thankyouverymuch. Very interesting what you find these days. Yeah, I was bored. How’d you guess?
- 749-1142 at 1200 baud, hit RETURN several times to see: ENTER USER ID:____ NOT CLEARED - 749-1575 at 300/????, hit RETURN: :HELP [or junk input] EXPECTED HELLO, :JOB, :DATA, OR (CMD) AS LOGON. (CIERR 1402) :HELLO [or] JOB EXPECTED [SESSION NAME,] USER.ACCT [,GROUP] (CIERR 1424) :HELLO GEORGE EXPECTED ACCOUNT NAME. (CIERR 1426) : [beats me] ::DATA (COMMAND) LOGON IS MISSING RIGHT PARENTHESIS. (CIERR 1421) - 749-1744 unknown baud, no response. - 749-3546 at 300, no response. - 749-4516 [same] - 749-4813 at 300/????, hit RETURN: uhnix1 University of Houston 3B20S/UNIX System V Release 2.0.3V3 login: \PASSWORD: \LOGIN INCORRECT - 749-4844 at 300/1200, hit RETURN - 749-4986 [same]: UH Dept. of Computer Science VAX11/780 node _CSV1:: Username: Password: User authorization failure Timeout period expired [and yet it cannot disconnect] List of parameter values not allowed - check use of comma (,) Error reading command input [when you wait too long] Too many parameters - reenter command with fewer parameters - 749-5098 at 300/1200, RUDE SYSTEM! hit RETURN: Login: ECHOES Password: ECHOES SPACES INCORRECT LOGIN [three strikes and you're disconnected, not even a goodbye] - 749-5685 at 300/1200?, hit RETURN - 749-5688 [same] - 749-5705 [same]: tm SNARE Security System V1.9 (C) 1985 ANTISOFT, Inc. Tucson, Arizona WELCOME TO CAMCO Username: ECHOES Password: ****** Phone #: xxx-xxxx [example: 749-0000] [Disconnecting] - 749-5698 at 300/????, hit CONTROL-G six times to get: 281-T20136 - 749-6899 at 300/????, hit RETURN: UOFHB23306 06/08/87 12/09/87 14:24:13 [correct time] RELEASE 8004 OSL, PLEASE. ? [no ECHO, type "HELP"...] SYSTEM LOCKED ?ERROR type "OSL", get "KEY:" type "ABORT", get "ABORT" [repeated] type "BYE", get start of transmission again. - 749-7237 at 300/1200, hit RETURN: Research Computation Lab. VAX/VMS 4.5 is available Username: ECHOES Password: no echo Error reading command input File read error Data set hang-up [but it can't] - 749-1222 at 300? baud, no response. Voice answer: CAMPUS ACCOUNTING. - 749-5698 at 300/????, no response. - 749-5662 and 5697 [same as above] - 937-0054 at 300: FECO HOUSTON [repeats after hitting numerous CTRL characters] - 937-0082 300 only; no response. - 937-0264 at 1200 only: RAMTECK HOU [CTRL-D for disconnect] [CTRL-E to repeat RAMTECK HOU] - 937-0431 at 1200 only; no response. - 937-0508 at 300 only: 6868763NL SHAF [???] - 937-0754 Answer tones for the deaf? - 937-0859 [same] - 937-0864 at 1200 only: 12/15/87 11:23:02 Enter Password:xxxxx Invalid Password. SAT CINEMA 1 Free SAT CINEMA 2 Free SAT CINEMA 3 Free PROGRAM GUIDE Free 3.0B - 937-0952 at unknown baud rate [2400?] - 937-1056 at 300/____: Welcome to the AT&T UNIX pc Please login: BLAH /PASSWORD: /LOGIN INCORRECT - 937-1078 at 1200 only - 937-1095 [same]: High Strength Steel Inc. Modem (1200) login: BLAH Password: - 937-1821 at 300/____ Hit CTRL-E for Msg, CTRL-D for Disconnect: 4620407ZIDELUI - 937-2285 at 30/____ hit CHARACTERS to see weird things, CTRL-? gets prompt. G=DSP H=ADD I=CAN J=DEL K=INS L=GDL FOCUS REMOTE MAINTENANCE ENTER SECURITY CODE= ERROR - 937-2290 at 300, CRTL-E, CRTL-D - 937-2291 at 1200 [same] *170595VETCO HOU - 937-2783 at 3/12, hit RETURN to get baud - 937-2784 [same] - 937-2785 [same] - 937-2786 [same] - 937-2787 [same] Login: BLAH Password: INCORRECT LOGIN - 937-3092 at 300, no response. - 937-3320 at 300, hit RETURN OVL111 00 IDLE [prompt for one character of input] type "J", "K", "5", or "L" to get longer prompt and "OVL013" type "Q" or "Z" to get 3 char. prompt. accepts all lowercase input. - 937-3659 at 300 only, no response. - 937-3847 at 300, WEIRD. :BLAH YOU KNOW THATS NOT THE WAY YOU LOGON!! - 937-4720 [busy]