I wanted to learn how to levitate. I did some searches on the internet. Most results were junk. Some offered to teach you if you bought their $25 video tape. Pfft. I eventually found out how to do it for free. It’s taken me about a day to get the illusion down pat and this afternoon I had my first successful demonstration. Yes, I float. Not very far off the ground at the moment — just a couple of inches. But hey, that’s enough for me. I’m not Superman.
I was driving back to my apartment last night in a cab. The cabbie started up a conversation by quizzing me on recent movies. He prefaces the conversation by declaring his plan to see ”Kill Bill” on Sunday. Then he goes on to say he lives in Jersey, he lists off his favorite theaters, he asks me what I thought of Kill Bill, he asks me what I think of his favorite theaters, etc. Most taxi drivers don’t give you the chit chat, but this guy was alright. I was whisked from 18th to 3rd in just a few minutes. He recommended ”28 Days Later” wholeheartedly. He began to talk about his invention for fixing bumps in the road when we abruptly arrived at my flat. I paid. He split. I am thinking about having a double feature of ”28 Days” and ”28 Days Later” and maybe even tossing in ”3 Days of the Condor” just for fun.