Getting injured left and right. Yesterday the rental car scraped my right thumb when I shoved my computer bag out of sight under the dash. Later at home I lost my balance while undressing and landed on my left foot. No OH- was involved, either. Good thing I am self-repairing.
Bought Morpheus, Trinity and Neo figures by McFarlane Toys last week. They are sitting on my desk unopened. I think I will free Morpheus first.
I am thisclose to buying my ticket to Prague. I have been playing mail tag with the passport office. The new passport will supposedly appear just a week before my departure. Nothing like cutting it close. That seems to be the defacto standard if you are a Real World cast member. I only watch because the Osbournes follow it. Last night’s new Osbournes episode, by the way, was so damn funny. Ozzy has finally mastered the ”Radio On” and ”Radio Off” command for his car. A bonus episode followed called ”Jack Osbourne: Back from Rehab.” It was interesting for about 10 minutes, but the repetition got tedious and turned me off. My cable modem was not responding so I played the Comcast ”Please Fix My Modem” game. Total Playing Time: 35 minutes. Not bad. We began our match with a session of ”Why You Can’t Find My Account” and then followed with a round of ”My Name Is Misspelled Can You Fix It?” We later moved on to match wits playing ”Let Me Help You Help Me.” Before I knew it we were in the middle of ”Please Stop Talking And Let Me Hang Up” and it was over. Good times.