04-Nov-2000 Uncategorized

chill / my choice

Want to see The Blue Man Group perform one day. Are you unbreakable?

Went to Manson concert last night. Had fun time. Managed to get about 20 feet from the stage, dead center. As soon as Manson
started up, the mosh from hell began. Wasn’t too bad. Fell down two times. Each time someone grabbed me and pulled me up.
That was so cool. Friendly moshing. Who would have thought? The heat and lack of fresh air eventually wore me down after the
second song and I made my way back to the edge of the concert. Manson put on a great show. I felt a bit disappointed for some
reason, but can’t put finger on cause. Went outside after show and stood by buses and watched band meet with fans, etc.

My feelings and why I’m voting for Bush.