Category: Uncategorized



The guy who runs Napster is a genius. When you log onto his site, this message is at the very top: Napster is continuing to comply with the District Court’s injunction and to prevent the record companies from shutting down file sharing. In the process of doing so, we have implemented a range of filters […]


here’s to you mrs. robinson

Indisputable evidence of time travel: While attending his 1987 senior prom, Mark Shields smiles for the camera unaware that his 1991 counterpart is about to swipe souvineer prom glasses. For more info, review the documentary Back to the Future: Part 4. Saw Paul Simon perform this evening. There were four encores. My super human whistling […]



They let us in early. Tried to buy a coke but the bar said they can’t sell anything until 7. There are 4 bars in here, spread scross the floor. I went to a different one. Same deal. Went to a third one. Got my coke. Nyah nyah. The restroom here (which I paid a […]



I am sitting outside the East entrance of the Reliant Astrodome and watching the little crowd of people try to worm their way in early. They have pink wristbands for volunteers, green badges for volunteers, red badges for staff, glossy red wristbands for the food people… but what do they have for the participants? Nada. […]


spoke too soon

I hadn’t finished uploading my most recent rant about things sucking when I got an email from the webmaster of telling me a guy was looking to lease/buy a Back to the Future DeLorean. I called the guy up and he’s interested in putting my car in some shows. The catch? They’re in New […]


body of evidence

Things are getting worse. The year 2001 is going to go down in the Super Genius record books as one of the worst ever. Without babbling on about all the details, I just hope things are going to get better. I’m updating my Ex-Files section to accurately reflect my experiences and not beat around the […]



Not sure what I’ve done to deserve this. Here is a brief list of the recent experiences I’ve had with problem, solution and lesson learned: Problem: DeLorean is overheating so I took it to the DeLorean Motor Company in Southwest Houston. Diagnosis was that the head gasket is warped and requires 2K of repair work […]


who is the weakest link?

Watching the new show ”The Weakest Link” on NBC. It’s good. A middle aged red-headed woman asks you questions and if you get them wrong she totally demeans you in front of everyone. It’s exactly like being in Junior High again.



Easter sales rule. Bought Cadbury eggs. 64 of them. Bought a half-gallon of milk because mixing Diet Coke and Cadbury eggs would be disgusting. Bought answering machine so I could screen calls and get rid of Caller ID. My thought is, if you don’t leave me a message, don’t think I’ll call you back because […]


regular expression, or decaf?

Seems like lots of my friends are down. Want to cheer up everyone. Want to do it by taking them to see one of their favorite bands play and sitting only a few feet away from the stage. This is a pricey venture. I decided to get my dad an early present by buying tickets […]